Cause and Origin

Expert Witness Services related to the investigation of a gasoline spill in Yonkers, New York

Dr. Lifrieri was retained by Slowinski Atkins to assist Chevron defend against a claim alleging that they were responsible for a gasoline spill from leaking tanks dating back to the 1950s at a site that changed hands several times and was eventually abandoned. Dr. Lifrieri prepared a report refuting the claims of the plaintiff's consultant leading the attorney to submit a motion for a Summary Judgment.

Expert Witness Services related to the investigation of a gasoline spill in Southern New Jersey

Dr. Lifrieri was retained by Slowinski Atkins to assist Chevron defend against a claim alleging that they had spilled gasoline from leaking tanks dating back to the 1920s, 30s, and 40s. Dr. Lifrieri prepared an expert report refuting claims of plaintiff. Attorney filed for Summary Judgement.

Construction Defect and Environmental Assessment of Anaerobic Storage Lagoon Claim for Crum and Forster

Dr. Lifrieri was retained by Crum and Forster to provide expert engineering and environmental services to assist them with major claim for the construction of an anaerobic storage lagoon in OK.

Expert Consultation West Maui Shell Remediation Evaluation Review for BerkleySUM Insurance

Dr. Lifrieri was retained by BerkleySUM Insurance company to provide expert claims consultation for the review of proposed remediation cleanup activities at a gasoline station in Hawaii

Expert Consultation TECE Trucking with ZurichNA Insurance Client

Dr. Lifrieri was retained to conduct a claims investigation and cause and origin study of the overturning of a double trailer tandem gasoline delivery vehicle. The study included the assessment of the appropriateness of a Remedial Investigations conducted by a consultant, the consultant’s efforts regarding: Regulatory Compliance; cost estimating; and, claims oversight and management. Dr. Lifrieri concluded that the services provided by the consultant and the costs associated with the resultant remediation were satisfactory.

Expert Consultation and Claim Review Services Brown and Evans AZ for Insurance Carrier

Dr. Lifrieri was retained to investigate the validity of a claim made for three UST sites in Arizona by a confidential insurance client. Dr. Lifrieri concluded that the leak at each of the three sites occurred prior to the retroactive date of the policy.

Expert Consultation and Claim Review Services for “By Lo” Oil for Insurance Carrier

Dr. Lifrieri was retained to investigate a leaking UST and related piping at a service station in Bay City, Michigan. Dr. Lifrieri conducted interviews with relevant parties regarding site conditions and former discharge events at the site, as well as contacted the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to conduct a FOIA file review. Dr. Lifrieri provided a site description, a release history, a loss background, a description of planned activities, costs to date, a subrogation analysis, and conclusions and recommendations regarding this claim.

Expert Consultation and Claim Review Services Spartan Oil Butler NJ for an Insurance Carrier

Dr. Lifrieri’s review of the available information for a confidential insurance client indicated that the costs and scopes of work presented by the environmental consultants appeared excessive given the types, levels and extent of contamination observed at the site. It was Dr. Lifrieri's opinion that the cost for a program to investigate Areas of Concern (AOCs) at this site was much less than those proposed by the consultants.

Expert Consultation and Claim Review Services for a Warehouse in Bridgewater NJ for an Insurance Carrier

Dr. Lifrieri assisted a confidential insurance client in the claim review for a petroleum discharge which was uncovered during the excavation for a PCB remediation at the Brook Warehousing Site in Bridgewater, NJ. Dr. Lifrieri concluded that the discharge was remnant from a UST tank closure that was performed in 1998 which received an NFA letter from NJDEP.