Expert Services Rubin Property for a large NJ Law Firm

Dr. Lifrieri was retained by a prominent New Jersey Law Firm on behalf of the County Government to evaluate the costs associated with a portion of the 2011 - 2012 development of an urban park called the Riverfront Park site in Essex County, New Jersey. The County requested that Dr. Lifrieri perform an independent cost breakdown of the actual expenditures the County had made to complete the environmental investigation and remediation of the Rubin Site. The County provided the actual construction costs to construct the cap and Dr. Lifrieri utilized these costs in conjunction with the Environmental Consultant’s costs to establish the total costs expended on this effort. In addition Dr. Lifrieri was asked to evaluate the cost to close the site had the site been used to store tractor trailers and storage containers only.

Expert Consultation Assessment of Potential Geotechnical Engineering Concerns for Hospital in Cavernous Limestone for Developer

Dr. Lifrieri was retained by an Owner of a large piece of property to provide expert claims consultation for the remediation and repair of sinkhole settlement and occurrences beneath the ground floor slab in an existing hospital.

Expert Consultation Business Interruption claim for AJS Acquisition

Dr. Lifrieri was retained by AJS Acquisition to document the losses sustained by its subsidiary before, during, and after Super Storm Sandy in October 2012 in accordance with the provisions noted in their business interruption insurance policy and to prepare a business interruption claim report. Dr. Lifrieri reviewed financial data prepared by AJS Acquisitions and developed a forensic financial approach geared towards quantifying AJS’ loss.

Expert Consultation Fanwood Tower for PSE&G

Dr. Lifrieri was retained by a major utility to provide expert consultation regarding an alleged impact to groundwater levels attributed to the client. The client was alleged to have installed a caisson foundation for a utility pole that reportedly may have caused the groundwater to rise in the proximate area and impact a nearby residence. Dr. Lifrieri performed an investigation of the hydro-geologic conditions of the region and assessed whether or not the construction work was responsible for the alleged rise in the groundwater table.

Expert Consultation Monitoring Solutions for Insurance Carrier

Dr. Lifrieri was retained by Endurance Insurance Company to provide a Claim Investigation and prepare a report concerning the loss attributed to the insurance company’s client as a result of his installation of a continuous emission monitoring system at a Pennsylvania Power Plant site. The claim investigation included a discussion with the client regarding background proposal and purchase order information, events leading up to the levying of the emissions violation and included discussions with PADEP. Dr. Lifrieri requested and received files for review from PADEP. Dr. Lifrieri provided a description of the loss claim and its history leading up to the levying of a Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) violation, provided a log of events leading up to the violation claim, provided a history and loss background, a description of performed remedial activities to prevent further lack of notification of emission exceedances from the CEM Data Acquisition System (CEMDAS) installed by the client, conducted an assessment of imposed fines and costs to date, and presented a discussion of subrogation, and our conclusions and recommendations regarding this claim.

Expert Consultation and Claim Review Services Sprain Brook River Embankment for Confidential Client

Dr. Lifrieri was retained by a consultant hired by a contractor working for the USACE along the Sprain Brook River Embankment installing stream bank retaining structures. The USACE was concerned about the construction procedures utilized to install drilled shafts and potentially related settlement of adjacent structures. Dr. Lifrieri assisted in the conducting of a Forensic Analysis and Investigations; performed a construction defect analysis; and, helped prepare an expert report concluding that revised drilled shaft techniques would be successful.

Expert Services for Prominent PA Law Firm

Dr. Lifrieri was retained to assist on a project to provide expert consultation and testimony on a claim filed by a contractor alleging that the structures' foundations were damaged during construction following a storm event because the law firm's client failed to perform its work in a professional manner or to the standard of care required of it in its industry. Dr. Lifrieri reviewed voluminous documentation and attended meetings. Dr. Lifrieri has been asked to prepare an expert report regarding its findings and provide testimony.

Expert Witness Services related to the investigation of a gasoline spill in Yonkers, New York

Dr. Lifrieri was retained by Slowinski Atkins to assist Chevron defend against a claim alleging that they were responsible for a gasoline spill from leaking tanks dating back to the 1950s at a site that changed hands several times and was eventually abandoned. Dr. Lifrieri prepared a report refuting the claims of the plaintiff's consultant leading the attorney to submit a motion for a Summary Judgment.

Expert Witness Services related to the investigation of a gasoline spill in Southern New Jersey

Dr. Lifrieri was retained by Slowinski Atkins to assist Chevron defend against a claim alleging that they had spilled gasoline from leaking tanks dating back to the 1920s, 30s, and 40s. Dr. Lifrieri prepared an expert report refuting claims of plaintiff. Attorney filed for Summary Judgement.

Construction Defect and Environmental Assessment of Anaerobic Storage Lagoon Claim for Crum and Forster

Dr. Lifrieri was retained by Crum and Forster to provide expert engineering and environmental services to assist them with major claim for the construction of an anaerobic storage lagoon in OK.

Expert Consultation West Maui Shell Remediation Evaluation Review for BerkleySUM Insurance

Dr. Lifrieri was retained by BerkleySUM Insurance company to provide expert claims consultation for the review of proposed remediation cleanup activities at a gasoline station in Hawaii

Expert Consultation Forte vs. Chevron for Slowinski Atkins Law

Dr. Lifrieri was retained by Slowinski Atkins to assist Chevron defend against a claim alleging that they had promised to replace, in kind, a gasoline service station following Chevrons occupation of a site in South New Jersey. Dr. Lifrieri prepared an expert report refuting claims of the plaintiff. The attorney for Chevron won Judgement.

Expert Consultation TECE Trucking with ZurichNA Insurance Client

Dr. Lifrieri was retained to conduct a claims investigation and cause and origin study of the overturning of a double trailer tandem gasoline delivery vehicle. The study included the assessment of the appropriateness of a Remedial Investigations conducted by a consultant, the consultant’s efforts regarding: Regulatory Compliance; cost estimating; and, claims oversight and management. Dr. Lifrieri concluded that the services provided by the consultant and the costs associated with the resultant remediation were satisfactory.