Expert Consultation Monitoring Solutions for Insurance Carrier

Dr. Lifrieri was retained by Endurance Insurance Company to provide a Claim Investigation and prepare a report concerning the loss attributed to the insurance company’s client as a result of his installation of a continuous emission monitoring system at a Pennsylvania Power Plant site. The claim investigation included a discussion with the client regarding background proposal and purchase order information, events leading up to the levying of the emissions violation and included discussions with PADEP. Dr. Lifrieri requested and received files for review from PADEP. Dr. Lifrieri provided a description of the loss claim and its history leading up to the levying of a Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems (CEMS) violation, provided a log of events leading up to the violation claim, provided a history and loss background, a description of performed remedial activities to prevent further lack of notification of emission exceedences from the CEM Data Acquisition System (CEMDAS) installed by the client, conducted an assessment of imposed fines and costs to date, and presented a discussion of subrogation, and our conclusions and recommendations regarding this claim.